Produce 101 Wiki
Produce 101 Wiki

Produce 101: 35 Girls 5 Concepts is an EP by Produce 101 Season 1. It was released on March 19, 2016 and is a compilation of songs performed by the contestants of the show during the concept evaluation.


On episode 8 and episode 9 of the show, the remaining trainees were given 5 songs from 5 different producers, each a different genre. The trainees chose what songs they wanted to perform.

  • "24 Hours" is an EDM song,
  • "Fingertips" is a girl crush pop song,
  • "Don't Matter" is a hip-hop song,
  • "Yum-Yum" is a trap-hop song,
  • "In The Same Place" is a girlish pop song.

Track list

  1. "24 Hours" - 3:58
  2. "Fingertips" - 3:28
  3. "Don't Matter" - 3:19
  4. "Yum-Yum" (얌얌) - 3:13
  5. "In The Same Place" (같은 곳에서) - 3:07

Video links
